44 four-word stories
The ask: capture the happiest moment you can in four words or less. The Simple Truth response: enthusiastic! Here are 44 of our happy four-word stories. Enjoy!
2.Unlikeliest little heartbeat, heard.
3.Plates emptied, bellies filled.
4.The I.P.A. is A.O.K.
6.It’s benign.
7.Grilled cheese, tomato soup.
8.The cocoon fell, empty.
10.Friday, 4:57 p.m.
11.I’m not pregnant!
12.Rescue dogs are sweetest.
14.It’s on the house.
15.He knelt. She accepted.
16.For sale: Yiddish dinosaurs.
18.Hi, mom, it’s me.
19.I can teleport home.
21.Bell rings, summer.
22.Let go. Wobble. Step.
23.Mommy, play with me.
25.Congratulations, Madam President.
26.Umbrellas shut, then rainbows.
27.The DeLorean’s all yours.
29.Giggles under a blanket.
30.All the Tupperware, stolen.
31.Cookies freshly baked.
33.Cubs win World Series.
34.I had twins!
35.All you can eat!
37.Found: gently used soulmate.
38.It’s a girl!
39.A sliver entirely removed.
41.Tiny fingers clasp mine.
42.Enough was had.
43.Wings spread, it flew.